New Update Released

Today we released a handful of improvements and new features. Below is a quick list of what's in the release.

If you would like more information or have thoughts or ideas for more improvements, please let us know


  • Arrived At time field when clearing a Service Call
  • Dispatch ID is an automatic date based incident number incremented code


  • Sub-Locations can be added to each Location individually
  • Turn on/off Location sub-modules, ie: "Access Log", "BOLOs", "Contacts", "Sub-Locations", etc.


  • Report Entry form-builder now has a new look with new options:
    - Activity Types
    - Link Records
    - Select Sub-Location
  • Report ID is an automatic date based incident number incremented code
  • Searching for text in Reports now has custom query symbols for more specific search and finding information that might have misspelled words
  • Users with permission to Approve a Report now have the option to also Request Review


  • Searching for Records now has custom query symbols for more specific search and finding information that might have misspelled words

User Roster

  • Online history & activity tracking