THERMS provides the tools for each security guard & patrol Organization to customize the Report Entries for Parking Violations, Towing and any other vehicle enforcement activity. In this tutorial we will briefly cover how you can build a custom Parking Violation Report Entry.

Every Organization has different needs and requirements - this tutorial demonstrates the basic information needed for a Parking Violation Report Entry but you can customize your account however you need.

Demo Scenario

An HOA (home owner's association) hires your security guard & patrol company to provide courtesy patrol visits during the night hours. The HOA managers request that your patrol officers enforce these HOA community rules:

  • All vehicles must be parked in driveways
  • Any vehicle that is parked in the street will receive 1 warning then be towed
  • A vehicle may be parked in the street if it is on the "approved vehicles list" for the HOA

During a random nightly inspection your patrol officer finds a vehicle parked on the street. The vehicle is a gold Ford Ranger with plate number "2C KE579".
Here are the steps your patrol officer will follow:

  1. Search the plate number in THERMS Records section (
  2. If the Vehicle Record exists, the patrol officer will review the comments to see if the vehicle is allowed to be parked on the street.
  3. If the vehicle is allowed to be parked on the street for that HOA, he documents the vehicle and continues patrolling.
  4. If the vehicle is not allowed to be parked on the street, he will find/create a Vehicle Record, take a picture of the vehicle, enter the information in a custom Parking Violation Report Entry (see video tutorial below), download and print the Parking Violation Report Entry to place on the vehicle and finally he will post a comment in THERMS under the Vehicle stating that it has been given a warning about parking on the street.

Video Tutorials

Part 1 - Account Setup HOA Location & Custom Report Entry

This first part of the video tutorial will be from the role of an admin or management User:

  • Setup a new customer/contract Location (HOA)
  • Create custom Record flag for marking a vehicle "approved parking list" so our patrol officers know when a vehicle is allowed to park on the street
  • Create a custom Parking Violation Report Entry

Part 2 - Operations Use by Patrol Officer

We'll cover the field patrol officer using THERMS:

  • Lookup vehicles in Records to see if they are on the "approved parking list"
  • Create a new vehicle Record
  • Create a Parking Violation Report Entry and print the Report Entry to place a copy on the vehicle