For security guards, summer can be one of the busiest times of the year. With the warmer weather and longer days, there are more people out and about, which can mean more opportunities for crime.
But being a security guard in summer comes with its own set of challenges. From heat exhaustion to dehydration, there are a number of dangers that security guards need to be aware of in order to stay safe on the job while also ensuring a positive annual report.
In this blog post, we will explore some of the common problems that security guards face during summer!
1. Increased Workload
With the vast majority of people out and about, there are more opportunities for crime and unwanted visitors. This can lead to longer hours and more stress on the job.
There is also increased foot traffic at businesses and other locations that security guards are responsible for protecting, especially with COVID-19 getting more under control and mask mandates being lifted. This can lead to long hours spent on your feet and increased wear and tear on your equipment.
With larger crowds comes an increased risk of crowd-related problems such as fights, disorderly conduct, and theft. Security guards must be vigilant in these situations to keep everyone safe.
2. Fatigue

As the summer temperatures rise, so does the risk of heat-related illness for security guards who are required to work outdoors. Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat illness and can be fatal if not treated immediately.
Symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and confusion. If a security guard experiences any of these symptoms while working in the heat, seek medical attention immediately.
If you work outdoors during the summer months, be sure to wear loose-fitting clothing that is light in color to reflect the sun’s rays. A wide-brimmed hat will also help protect your face and neck from sun exposure. And don’t forget the sunscreen! Before going outside, make sure to cover any bare skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher.
3. Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the most common problems security guards face during summer. The hot weather and long hours can take a toll on their bodies, and if they don't stay hydrated, they could end up feeling faint or even passing out.
To avoid dehydration, security guards should make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, and carry a water bottle with them so they can stay hydrated while on duty. They should also take breaks in shady areas or indoors when possible, and wear loose, breathable clothing to help keep their body temperature down.
4. Skin Conditions

There are a number of skin conditions that security staff are susceptible to during summer. The most common are heat rash, sunburn, and prickly heat - especially on construction sites where there is little to no protection from the sun.
Heat rash is caused by the blockage of sweat ducts, which can happen when you wear heavy clothing or equipment in hot weather. The symptoms include small bumps on the skin, itching, and redness.
Sunburn is caused by overexposure to UV rays. The symptoms include red and painful skin, swelling, and blistering.
Prickly heat is caused by the overproduction of sweat in response to high temperatures. The symptoms include small bumps on the skin that are filled with clear fluid, itching, and redness.
5. Decreased Discipline
When the weather is nice, it can be hard to stay disciplined. You may find yourself wanting to take more breaks or extended lunch breaks. Additionally, you may be more likely to call out sick when it’s warm out.
What Are the Consequences of Poor Security?
If security guards do not take their job seriously, the consequences can be dire. Poor security can lead to theft, vandalism, and even violence.
They may miss something important, such as a suspicious person loitering near the premises. This could lead to a break-in or other crime. In addition, poor security can give criminals the opportunity to case the premises and plan their attack.
What are the disadvantages of physical security?
There are a few disadvantages of physical security, especially for security guards who have to work in hot weather. First, heat can make people irritable and more likely to lash out, which can put guards at risk.
Second, being outside in the heat all day can lead to dehydration and other health problems. Finally, long hours in the sun can be tiring and make it difficult to ensure a safe environment and focus on the job at hand.
Were the security guards to blame for what happened?
With more people out and about during the summer months, a security officer has to be extra vigilant in keeping crowds under control. This can be a difficult task, especially in high-traffic areas like shopping malls and amusement parks.
Unless you have an incident management app like Therms, this will be a tough job.
What are the hardships faced by a security guard on a day-to-day basis?
Some of the common problems that security guards face on a daily basis include:
Dealing with the public
One of the most common dangers that security guards face is violence from members of the public. This can range from verbal abuse to physical assault, and it is important to be prepared for this type of situation. It is also important to know how to defuse a potentially violent situation before it gets out of hand.
Difficult working conditions
Security guards often work long hours in difficult or dangerous conditions. They may be required to work in high-crime areas, or in places where there is a risk of violence or other accidents. Security guards may also be required to work in uncomfortable or hazardous environments, such as in hot weather or in cold weather.
Low pay
As a security guard, you are responsible for the safety of others. However, they earn relatively low wages for their efforts.
Many security guards earn minimum wage or just slightly above it. This means that they have to work long hours just to make ends meet. Often, they are often not paid for overtime, which can add up to an even lower hourly rate.
High-stress levels
A security guard's job is to protect people and property from potential harm. This can be a high-stress job, as guards must be constantly alert and ready to respond to any potential threat.
Risk of injury
They are constantly at risk of being injured on the job. There are many things that can happen to you while on duty that can result in serious injury or even death.
Security guards are often targeted by criminals looking for an easy target. You could be attacked and beaten severely, or even killed, while working as a security guard.
They are typically isolated from the rest of the world. This can be a very difficult thing to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
They may feel like they are all alone in their job and that no one understands what they are going through. This isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and despair. It is important to find ways to cope with this isolation in order to stay healthy and happy. Here are some tips:
It can be difficult to stay alert and focused when there is nothing going on. To combat boredom, security guards must be proactive and find ways to keep themselves entertained. This can include reading, listening to music, or even talking to other people in the area.
Being underappreciated
The job of a security guard is often thankless. They are the unsung heroes of society, working tirelessly to keep us safe. Yet, they are often underappreciated and taken for granted.
Why do people look down on private security guards?
There are a few reasons that people might look down on private security guards. One reason is that they may not be as trained as police officers. Then, they may not have the same authority as police officers. And finally, some people may view private security guards as being less capable than police officers.
Why do some people hire security guards older than 70?
First, older security guards may have more experience than younger guards. Another reason is that older security guards may be more mature and better able to handle difficult situations.
Additionally, older security guards may be more likely to follow orders and procedures exactly as they are supposed to be followed. Finally, hiring an older security guard can show respect for the elderly population and can help to create a positive image for the company.
How often is it for a company to directly hire security guards to be a security firm?
It is common for guarding companies to directly hire security guards from security firms. There are several reasons why this may be the case, including cost savings and the ability to customize the security plan to better fit the company's needs.
However, there are also some disadvantages to this approach, such as the lack of training and support that security guards may receive from a non-professional firm.
Final Thoughts

As the summer heat sets in, security officers and security companies all over the country face a unique set of challenges. From dealing with heat exhaustion and dehydration to increased incidents of workplace violence, summer can be a tough time for those in the security industry to maintain proper business continuity.
When working long hours in hot weather, it's important for you to work closely with your staff to ensure they stay hydrated and take frequent breaks to cool down in order to lessen the potential challenges faced. If you start to feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous, these could be signs of heat exhaustion. If you don't take steps to cool down and rehydrate, this can lead to serious health problems like heat stroke.